Commit Psychology Fees

About Payments.

At Commit Psychology we understand that, for some people finding the funds to pay for private psychological therapy can be a challenge. We do our best to keep our fees as low as possible. We have amongst the most competitive fees for Clinical Psychology in Chester and North Wales. 

For people wishing to work on-line via Teams or on the telephone we are able to pass on our cost savings on room rental and provide a discounted rate.

The fee for a first assessment is slightly higher because this involves some extra administration time and would normally include (with agreement) an assessment letter to the clients General Practitioner.

The fee pays for one session of fifty minutes of contact time plus ten minutes of administration, such as writing up clinical notes. 

All payments have to be made, by credit transfer, at least seventy-two hours prior to an appointment. The fee will be retained if the appointment is cancelled less that forty eight hours prior to the appointment.

For people funding therapy through private medical insurance an agreement between the insurance company and Commit Psychology will be made prior to any assessment and the insurance company may impose limits of their own.

Other fees, terms and conditions may apply.

A Therapy Contract will be entered into and signed prior to assessment.

Commit Psychology Fees:

Remote working – on-line via Microsoft TEAMS or on the phone:

    • Therapy session  – £80
    • Assessment session – £120

Face to face working:

    • Therapy session – £105
    • Assessment session – £145

Letters of support:

    • Fee by agreement
Overall costs

It is difficult to predict exactly how many sessions people will need. Clinical Psychologists usually work on an average of eight sessions, although obviously some people may benefit from just a few sessions and some people may need very many more. 

One assessment session plus seven follow-up sessions would cost £680 in total remotely or £985 face to face.

The above figures are for guidance only. They relate to self funding clients only. Fees for people paying through private health care insurance may differ. Fees may change without notice.

There’s more information about what you will be paying for on our About Therapy page. Click  the link to find out more